Wally Wackers
$4.85 per 10-pack
No less than 10 wally wackers of a color. Prices listed are before shipping and 5.5% sales tax (where applicable).

4" Wally Wackers

Well it took a while to get this done but we now finally have a "WALLY WACKER". Comparing this to the Sauger Slayer it is 1\4 inch longer, a little bit wider and deeper. The big difference is the tail. Now it has a small tail just like a ringworm. With just the slightest of movement the tail has excellent action. The tail is also in the upward position so dragging or pumping this on the bottom produces good tail vibration. With 5 new colors to choose from it's hard to decide which color to try first. Not only is this a great piece of plastic for walleye and sauger. Smallmouth love to munch on these. It's a new version of plastic that needs to be in everyone's tackle box. There will be more colors coming in the near future.